Monday, February 27, 2006

27 Feb 2006

I give up!

I have tried for three days to correct the jotting of the 25 Feb 2006. Yet every time I try update, or run the spell check, either the power goes and I loose the connection or it just cuts me off. So this seemed a far easier option to make the erratum here.

Firstly, forgive the countless spelling in the last jotting. I had typed it directly onto the blog site, then once I ran the spell check the trouble started, I have of course learnt the lesson and all jottings will first go via Microsoft WORD!

Also, I wanted to add beneath the events timeline a short note, so it appears here instead – I am comfortable as an outsider my history and timeline are as accurate as can be however, I apologize to Rwandans reading this who feel I have misreported in my dates or event timing, or for that matter in my accuracy of information)

P.S.- It seems that the add ins were accepted but the spell check remains a no go, sorry for that you will just have to now not only endure bad writing but also atrocious spelling.

Kimironko, Rwanda (The G's are prounonced as a G)
27 Feb 06