Monday, February 27, 2006

27 Feb 2006 2nd Jotting

Some pictures - I have added comments below every two pic's

Hmmm - Yummy but not good for the diet! There are two of these types of pâtisseries nearby the office!

There are ATM's! and although a bad picture - Benoni meets Kigali, Rwanda

An early morning mist blocks the view of the valley (From the patio, house) And the offending screwdriverreferredd to in an earlier jotting. (Note the teabag is Rwandan!)

My bedroom - BC (Before container) and AD (After Delivery) - Wait till you see the latest pic now with colonial look mozzie net very - I had a farm in Afrika (Sp deliberate)

Kigali, Rwanda
27 Feb 2006